
Sub-Surface & Surface Research

Mineral estate research is embedded in our core. It's what we do best.

Acquisition & Divestiture

Rubber stamped leases are a thing of the past.

GIS & Database Management

Our GIS team is beyond just creating polygons - they also understand oil and gas land principles.

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MapServe Web Application

A Real-Time and Comprehensive View of Your Prospect

Retrieve Schedules on Demand

Export mineral, leasehold, title status and other schedules straight to MS Excel or other database programs of your choice.

Query Multiple Tables Simultaneously

Search for unleased mineral owners or unsatisfied curative requirements within your lateral path/buffer.

Real-Time Data

In addition to plats and reports delivered on an as needed basis, MapServe offers real-time views into a projects progression. MapServe is ideal for those last minute meetings.

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Transparency Like No Other

We have you covered with customized reports indicating AFE costs, acquisition results, contractor performance, and more.

AFE Tracking

We help keep tabs on your project's wallet.
"All in" costs at your fingertips.

Contractor Performance

No "phantom" landmen in our crews.
See who's performing and who's not.

Acquisition Tracking

A series of metrics to track leasing activities.
Discover when negotiations stall.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

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